Andy Ostroff
Andy Ostroff was born the second of two boys in the town of Natick, Massachusetts just outside of Boston. He grew up as a curious and conscientious young boy once telling his mother not to drink and drive while she was driving her station wagon and holding a Pepsi. At the age of 13 Andy had a kick ass Bar Mitzvah, which prompted his mother to say “you are the most handsome Bar Mitzvah boy ever.” This is the young boy who has blossomed into the man you see today. Andy haphazardly ventured through the Natick public school system (where NFL quarterback Doug Flutie went!) with much success including winning the inaugural Mr. Natick High School beauty pageant. If you ask nicely, Andy might let you email his mom and she will be happy to tell you all about it. However, Mr. NHS was the first point in Andy’s life where he actually thought, “being on stage performing might be more fun than basketball…even when we win.” After, high school, Andy’s next stop was The George Washington University in Washington DC. He ended up majoring in American Studies with a minor in Theatre Arts. He was also a manager for the athletic department meaning that someone actually put him in control of a multi-million dollar training facility. That was sweet! Anyway, Andy continued acting and liked it more and more. He did pretty well in class too. This is despite the fact that when reading his senior thesis project, on how sports help Spanish speaking Americans become part of American culture, Andy’s professor said, “You have a very amusing writing style that makes me laugh out loud when reading your work.” That’s quite a compliment, but not so much when what you have written is supposed to be a serious academic endeavor. Hmm. Somehow he managed to graduate with honors. This, my friends is still a mystery. After college Andy really had two choices. Choice one was to follow his father’s footsteps and go to law school. Choice two was to move to LA and pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Luckily, Andy’s father told him that if he went to Law School he was crazy. Thanks Dad.