Jonny Loquasto
Jonny Loquasto is a comedian, sports broadcaster, and healthcare professional. His newest comedy special Jonny Loquasto: Saudi Stepdad is now available and his previous special Jonny Loquasto: Physical. Therapy. is streaming on Roku, Tubi, and multiple other platforms. His jokes have received millions of views on social media and they’re probably even better in person! Aside from comedy, he’s a combat sports as a play by play commentator and ring/cage announcer, having done so for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and now for many promotions in the world of MMA. You’ve also heard his voice in multiple video games, including, and a yet-to-be-announced huge one! Quasto has organized multiple tours to entertain our troops overseas as well. But the biggest accomplishment for Jonny has happened most recently. He’s now a husband in a mixed-culture marriage and a stepdad of three! Does he have any clue what he’s doing? Absolutely not. But it makes for some great stories on stage! Follow him on all social media platforms @JQuasto