Katie Hannigan
Katie Hannigan is a stand up comic, actor and bad bitch (she tried to be rude once but she got nervous). Featured on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Comedy Central, Just For Laughs New Faces, Travel Channel, and MTV, Katie performs nightly in NYC at New York Comedy Club, Stand Up NY, Westside Comedy Club, and Caroline's. Katie wrote Death Hacks with Augenblick Studios, Miss Information (digital content for the History Channel) and recently Moments in Time, a web series featured in the Yes And Laughter Lab. Katie's acting credits include That Damn Michael Che (HBOmax), FunnyorDie, CollegeHumor, and Comedy Central.
Upcoming Shows
- Monday March 3rd 08:00PM
- Good Bits ft: Rafi Bastos, Raj Suresh, Katie Hannigan, Ali Kolbert, Piers Moreton, Shaun Murphy, Ray Zawodni, Lev Fer
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingRafi BastosRaj SureshKatie HanniganAli KolbertPiers MoretonShaun MurphyRay ZawodniLev Fer
- Wednesday March 12th 07:00PM
- Happy Time Apocalypse ft: Alex Gardes, Molly Densmore, Josh Adam Meyers, Katie Hannigan, Derek Humphrey, Gina Brillon
- Wondering what to do tonight? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! Whether you’re with your friends from work looking for a great Happy Hour, want to have a fun, casual date night or just love to laugh every day, our comedy nights have you covered!FeaturingJosh Adam MeyersKatie HanniganDerek HumphreyGina BrillonAlex GardesMolly Densmore