Stephen Bolles
Stephen Bolles (pronouns Long Hair Don’t Care/No Weave Just Steve) is a comedian originally from Virginia. Starting at Cozzys Comedy Club he became a regular at the Funny Bones in Richmond & VA Beach after winning their Clash of the Comics Competition four times. He dropped out of college to move to NYC in 2014, and was named “Funniest Under 25” at the Manhattan Comedy Festival in 2016. Unfortunately he’s now 29. Fortunately in the outdoor-shows era of 2020 he won the “Plug Award (Best Stoner Comic)” at the Bomby’s - a fake award show for NYC Comedians, put together & voted for by NYC comedians. Besides the hair, Stephen’s known as a high energy host, often described as a “golden retriever in a human’s body.” A self proclaimed party scientist & hype man, if you’re not having fun at his show you didn’t want to, or you’re experiencing severe acid flashblacks brought on by his material.